Reporting on controlled foreign companies (CFCs)

According to the Tax Code of Ukraine, each owner of a controlled foreign company (CFC) is obliged to submit annual reports on the CFC. Before submitting the reports, it is important to determine what documents need to be prepared.

Requirements for submitting CFC reports

Please note! Even if your foreign company does not operate and does not carry out any activities, you must submit CFC reports. This also applies to offshore companies that do not file reports in the country of registration or do not conduct business.

Types of CFC reporting

Depending on the possibility of preparing financial statements, one of two types of reports is submitted:

The CFC report is submitted for each controlled foreign company separately and exclusively in electronic form.

Reporting period of a CFC

What should be included in the CFC report?

The following documents must be attached to the CFC report:

How Maira Consult helps with CFC reporting

Maira Consult specialists have successful experience in submitting CFC reporting for 2022-2023 and offer a full range of services:

Quality assurance: As a result, you will receive a confirmation from the tax service that the CFC report was accepted without errors and, accordingly, you will properly fulfil your obligations to prepare and submit CFC reports.

Don't risk fines! Let Maira Consult professionals prepare your CFC reporting.

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