Registration of an LLC in Ukraine

Registration fee is from 200 €

Registration period — 1 week

Minimum authorized capital - 1 UAH

Remote opening — yes

Financial statements — yes

Limited Liability Company is the most common and versatile legal form of legal entity in Ukraine. This organizational and legal form of doing business has proven itself in terms of reliability and simplicity of doing business, building relationships between partners. And given the significant legislative changes in Ukraine in recent years and the adoption of many popular corporate mechanisms from the best Western practices, the limited liability company has become an excellent form for building business structures and flexible regulation of relations between partners.

In addition, Ukrainian legislation provides for the possibility of regulating relations between LLC members through a corporate agreement, which allows for special conditions of relations between the members. This instrument has long been very popular abroad. Therefore, Ukrainian legislation currently provides an opportunity to qualitatively regulate the relations between the LLC members without using foreign companies in the corporate structure, as it was before.

Thus, the LLC can be used for active business activities, maintenance and protection of assets, as well as effective regulation of relations between partners.

Ukraine advantages


Low maintenance costs for the company


High level of transparency and openness of data


Fast company registration process


Availability of flexible legal mechanisms for regulating relations between business partners and building reliable corporate structures (corporate agreements, shareholder agreements, preemptive rights, etc.)


High level of electronic document flow with government agencies and counterparties when doing business (possibility of remote preparation and submission of reports, exchange of documents)

General Information

Registration Features

An important feature of an LLC is that the company's shareholders bear the risk of losses related to the company's activities only to the extent of the value of their contributions to the authorized capital, which guarantees the financial security of the shareholder regardless of the company's performance.

Company Name

The name of a Ukrainian company must contain its organizational and legal form and its proper name. The name of the organization cannot be identical to the name of another existing legal entity. There are also certain restrictions on the use of certain words and abbreviations in the name of companies (specific types of organizations, such as the words “bank”, “insurance company”, etc.)

Authorized Capital

There are no requirements for the minimum authorized capital of an LLC. The authorized capital can be formed both by means of cash and property and property rights. The authorized capital must be fully formed within 6 months from the date of registration of the LLC in Ukraine, but another period may also be established by the company's charter.


The director of a company may be an individual citizen of Ukraine or a foreigner in case of obtaining an appropriate work permit in Ukraine.


The founders of an LLC may be individuals and legal entities, both residents of Ukraine and non-residents. Currently, the number of LLC members is not limited.

Financial Reporting

An organization is obliged to keep financial and accounting records of its activities. As a general rule, financial statements are prepared and submitted quarterly (exceptions may be made for micro-companies).


The corporate income tax rate is 18%. For small companies (with low turnover), a simplified taxation system with a tax rate of 5% of business turnover is available. The standard VAT rate is 20% (other rates may apply depending on the type of activity).


Basic information about the company is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is public. Information about the address, types of activities of the company, director, shareholders and beneficiaries of the company is publicly available.

Stages of company registration


Choosing the name and form of the company

In order to register a limited liability company in Ukraine, it is necessary to check the name in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as the name of the LLC cannot be identical to the name of another existing legal entity.


Preparation and collection of documents

Each member of the organization must provide all KYC documents (passport, tax number), and for foreign individuals, it is mandatory to obtain a tax number in Ukraine. If a non-resident legal entity is going to be a member, it is necessary to prepare a package of corporate documents of the company, which must be legalized (apostilled). Also, it is mandatory to disclose information about the company's beneficiary and provide his or her passport.


Identification of company participants

At this stage, each of the company's members is verified by a notary, the company's corporate documents and the decision to establish the company are signed and certified. These actions can be performed by representatives of the participants, who can act on the basis of powers of attorney issued by the participants.


Formation of the share capital (if necessary)

The authorized capital of the LLC must be paid within one year from the date of state registration of the LLC in Ukraine, unless another term is agreed by the company's shareholders.


Company registration

Registration of an LLC in Ukraine is carried out after submission of all documents required by the legislation of Ukraine to the state registrar, who enters the company's data into the state register of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public organizations of Ukraine. After registration, the company is automatically registered with the tax authorities, social insurance authorities, and the Pension Fund of Ukraine.


Receiving of corporate documents

After LLC registration in Ukraine and registration with the state authorities, a Ukrainian company receives an extract from the State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations of Ukraine, which contains basic information about the company, the LLC charter (you can access the charter in electronic form on the official web portal of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine


Legalization of documents (if necessary)

If necessary, for the purpose of using the company's documents abroad (opening a bank account in a foreign bank, etc.), the company's corporate documents can be legalised (apostilled).


Delivery of corporate documents

The originals of the LLC's corporate documents are transferred/sent to the client at the address specified by the client.

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