Company registration in Scotland

Registration fee is from 1300 €

Registration period — 3 weeks

Minimum authorized capital - no requirements

Remote opening — yes

Financial statements — no

Scotland is the most autonomous of all the countries are part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

Maira Consult recommends using companies registered in Scotland as an intermediary company in trading schemes, the owner of shares and other assets.

Registration of SLP in Scotland. The most popular form of company is the Scottish Limited Partnership (SLP). SLP is a unique business organisation tool that can be an interesting alternative to English companies.

It is a wrong opinion that Scottish SLP companies are offshore companies, as Scottish partnerships do not submit financial statements and do not pay taxes. Despite the advantages, Scottish partnerships are losing relevance, as foreign banks and payment systems practically do not open accounts for such companies.

Our specialists know how to register a company in Scotland, and they will provide you with a highly qualified service and advise you on all issues. 

Scotland advantages


Prestigious jurisdiction


Low cost of service


SLP is a unique tool for doing a business


Remote opening

General Information

Registration Features

The registration of SLP in Scotland is carried out by signing the LP5 form by the partners and submission the form to Companies House.

Company Name

The name of the company must end with a word, phrase or abbreviation that indicates the form of the company, for example, "LP".

Authorized Capital

The minimum authorized capital of SLP is not established.


SLP company does not have a director, the company is managed by a general partner.


There are at least two partners, individual or legal entity, no residency or place of registration requirements. One of the partners must be appointed as the general partner, who is unlimitedly liable for the obligations of the SLP and manages the partnership. The limited partner is liable for the obligations of the SLP with his/her contribution to the partnership and does not participate in the management of the company.

Financial Reporting

SLP companies are not required to submit an annual financial report.


If the members of the SLP are not tax residents of Scotland (for example, offshore companies), do not have a permanent establishment in Scotland and do not receive income in Scotland, then the taxation of the SLP company in Scotland does not arise. This is the main advantage of Scottish SLP companies.


The State Register is open. Information about the company's partners and beneficial owner is publicly available.

Stages of company registration


Choosing the name and form of the company

To register a company in Scotland, you need to check the name of the company on the website of state register Companies House. This can be done in a couple of minutes.


Preparation and collection of documents

Each member of the company must provide all KYC documents (passport, utility bill, bank reference, CV).


Identification of company participants

At this stage, online verification of each partner is carried out.


Formation of the share capital (if necessary)

There is no requirement to form a share capital in the UK. If there is such a need, the authorized capital is formed after the company is registered in Scotland.


Company registration

To register SLP in Scotland form LP5 is submitted in paper form to Companies House. The standard period for registering a company in Scotland is 3 weeks.


Receiving of corporate documents

As soon as the company in Scotland is registered, full information about the company appears on the company's page on website of the state register.


Legalization of documents (if necessary)

If necessary, the documents of a Scottish company are submitted for legalization and apostillization.


Delivery of corporate documents

Original corporate documents of a company in Scotland are sent by courier service.

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