Company registration in Latvia

Registration fee is from 2000 €

Registration period — 2 weeks

Minimum authorized capital - 1 EUR

Remote opening — yes

Financial statements — yes

The Republic of Latvia is an independent state located in Northern Europe. Latvia is a member of the European Union, NATO and a member of the Schengen Agreement. The capital of the country is the city of Riga.

Maira Consult recommends using companies registered in Latvia to conduct foreign economic activity and trade operations in the EU, as well as, if necessary, to purchase real estate, obtain a residence permit and, subsequently, Latvian citizenship.

In accordance with Latvian law, if the turnover of a Latvian company exceeds 3500 EUR per month, it is necessary to hire at least one employee or a member of the board without restrictions on citizenship for a minimum salary of 700 EUR (approximately, 300 EUR of taxes, 400 EUR will be received by the director).

It is possible to open an account in a Latvian bank for a Latvian company.

It is possible to register a company in Latvia in a week.

Our specialists know how to register a company in Latvia and provide you with highly qualified service and advise you on all issues.

Latvia advantages


Tax on retained earnings 0%


Low maintenance cost


Geographical location


Fast registration


Possibility of opening an account in Latvia

General Information

Registration Features

There are several forms of companies in Latvia: Individual entrepreneur (IE), Limited Liability Company (SIA), Joint Stock Company (AS). Sole proprietorships are usually registered by individuals whose income does not exceed 2-3 thousand EUR. The most common form of company is a LLC (SIA).

Company Name

The name of the company must end with a word, phrase or abbreviation that indicates the limited liability of the SIA company.

Authorized Capital

The minimum authorized capital is 1 EUR.


Minimum one, individual. There are no residency requirements.


Minimum one, legal entity or individual. There are no residency requirements.

Financial Reporting

The company's fiscal year is from 01.01 till 31.12. The annual financial report must be submitted to the Latvian Tax Service by 30.04.


Corporate income tax - 0 %. If a company does not distribute profits among its founders (does not pay dividends), it is exempt from paying income tax. If the company decides to distribute profits to the founders, the tax that arises is 25%. VAT IS 21%. The company needs to obtain VAT if the turnover of the Latvian company for the last 12 months has exceeded or will soon exceed 40,000 EUR.


The Latvian company register is public and contains information on the date of company registration, members of the company's board, the amount of the authorized capital and its status. When registering a company in Latvia, information about the company's beneficiary (a person who controls 25% or more of the shares) must be submitted to the company register.

Stages of company registration


Choosing the name and form of the company

To register a company in Latvia, you need to provide several variants of company names. The name must be original, unique in Latvian and must not contradict the legislation of Latvia.


Preparation and collection of documents

At this stage, you provide scanned copies of the passport of the founder and director of the company and proof of residence. If there are several founders, you must indicate the percentage of capital shares between them.


Identification of company participants

Registration of a company in Latvia can be done remotely or with a personal visit to Latvia. If the founder of the company has an electronic signature or visit Latvia, the company can be registered within 1 week.


Formation of the share capital (if necessary)

The authorized capital must be paid during the registration of a company in Latvia.


Company registration

After the authorized capital is paid, we submit documents for company registration in Latvia to the Register of Enterprises.


Receiving of corporate documents

After registering a company in Latvia, we receive a package of documents from the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia.


Legalization of documents (if necessary)

If necessary, the documents of the Latvian company are submitted for legalization and apostille.


Delivery of corporate documents

Originals of corporate documents of a Latvian company are sent by courier service.

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