Company registration in Andorra

Registration fee is from 8000 €

Registration period — 8-12 weeks

Minimum authorized capital - 3000 EUR

Remote opening — yes

Financial statements — yes

Andorra is a small but extremely promising country in the heart of Europe, famous for its favourable business climate, low tax rates and stable economy.

Types of companies in Andorra:

  1. Sociétat Limitada (SL): Analogue of an LLC (limited liability company). Limited liability of shareholders.
  2. Sociétat Anònima (SA): A joint-stock company. The minimum authorised capital is EUR 60,000. This form is usually suitable for large companies with many shareholders.
  3. Branches of foreign companies: Allows foreign companies to operate in Andorra. It does not require the formation of a new share capital in the country.
  4. Partnerships and cooperatives: Suitable for specific types of business or social initiatives.
Important! After registering a company in Andorra, you can apply for a residence permit in Andorra on the basis of business activity.

After the company is registered in Andorra, you can apply for residency status. To do this, you need to:

  • Be an administrator of a company registered in Andorra.
  • Have at least a 20% share in the established company.
  • Make a deposit of EUR 50,000 to an Andorran financial institution as an interest-free deposit with the application.
  • Reside in Andorra for at least 183 days a year.
  • Conduct real activities in the country and earn a minimum income.
  • Have a place to live in Andorra, which can be either purchased or rented.

If you want to open a company in Andorra, open a company in Andorra or take advantage of business opportunities in Andorra, contact Maira Consult today. We will ensure a fast, transparent and professional process for your business registration.

Andorra advantages


Political and economic stability


No tax on dividends


Possibility of obtaining a residence permit


High level of confidentiality

General Information

Registration Features

If a foreigner plans to own more than 10% of the shares in a company in Andorra, a special permit must be obtained from the Andorran government. Obtaining such a permit takes 1 month or more.

Company Name

The name must be unique and comply with the rules of the Andorran Commercial Registry.

Authorized Capital

The minimum amount of authorized capital is 3000 EUR. It is formed by depositing funds to the company's bank account before its registration.


The director of the company can be any individual or legal entity, regardless of citizenship.


A shareholder can be a citizen of any country, including Ukraine. For non-residents, there is a requirement to obtain a special permit to own more than 10% of the authorized capital.

Financial Reporting

Companies in Andorra are required to keep accounting records and submit annual financial statements. Depending on the type of company, an audit may be required.


Corporate tax: from 2% to 10% depending on profits.- VAT: 4.5% - one of the lowest in Europe.


Andorra provides a high level of confidentiality of data of owners and financial transactions of companies.

Stages of company registration


Choosing the name and form of the company

To register a company in Andorra, you must reserve a company name.


Preparation and collection of documents

A foreigner can set up a company in Andorra, but for this purpose it is necessary to provide a police clearance certificate and an apostilled copy of the passport.


Identification of company participants

It is possible to start a business in Andorra remotely. It is enough to provide documents under an apostille.


Formation of the share capital (if necessary)

The funds that form the authorized capital must be deposited into a bank account with a bank in Andorra. Opening an account also requires the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure.


Company registration

Submission of documents to the Andorran Commercial Registry for the official registration of the company.


Receiving of corporate documents

After registering a company in Andorra, a foreigner will receive a charter, tax number, registration certificate and other necessary documents.


Legalization of documents (if necessary)

Apostillization of corporate documents for use outside of Andorra.


Delivery of corporate documents

Transfer of all documents to the customer.

Answers to the Most Common Questions:

To register a foreign company, please contact specialists of Maira Consult, who have many years of experience in registering foreign companies and opening accounts in foreign banks.
The cost of registering a foreign company depends on many factors: the legal form, the number of participants, the need to pay authorized capital, the legalization of corporate documents, etc. For detailed consultation regarding foreign company formation, please contact Maira Consult.
Terms of registering a foreign company depends on the registration method. For receiving the information regarding terms and conditions of foreign company incorporation, please contact the managers of Maira Consult or leave your request on our website.

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