Partner, Attorney at Law

Volodymyr Kucheriavyi

Volodymyr Kucheriavyi

Volodymyr Kucheriavyi is a partner and founder of the international law company Maira Consult.

Education: National Academy of Internal Affairs. Master's degree in law.

Knowledge of languages: English.

He started his legal practice in 2008.

He received a certificate of the right to practice law in 2015.

In 2012, together with his partners, he founded law company Maira Consult.

Volodymyr's professional experience includes:

  • Legal support of business in Ukraine.
  • Development and support of complex corporate structures with a foreign element.
  • Advising on business structuring and tax planning.
  • Advising on the rules of CFCs (controlled foreign companies) in Ukraine.
  • Establishment and restructuring of foreign holding structures, funds and trusts.
  • Supporting local and international mergers and acquisitions.
  • Registration and support of foreign companies in more than 30 jurisdictions.

Our Contacts

Client Relations Department

+380 73 427-66-30


Kyiv, 01054, Ukraine,

40B Ivan Franko St., office 207


Social Networks

International Law Company Maira Consult